Plaisir is for everyone. 

Sensual essentials
and healthy

Sensual and healthy essentials


The only place where your pleasure earns you points.

The My Lubie loyalty program


Deux lubrifiants,
1001 façons de prendre du plaisir avec


Votre vie intime n'a pas fini de vous surprendre.

Le cadeau préféré des couples


With essentials or advice, My Lubie helps you explore all facets of your sexuality. Whether it's shy or plural, fetish or routine, sensual or tantric, experimental or solitary. Or all of the above.

It all starts with informed consent. And to consent, you need to know: find out which ingredients we use and which we ban.


Our best sellers

  • -4.00€
100% d'origine naturelle et vegan. Stimule, nourrit et apaise pour toujours plus de sensations et de plaisir. fait en france 100100 excellent uyka naturel certifiée bio huile intime CBD  - Copie 100% d'origine naturelle et vegan. Stimule, nourrit et apaise pour toujours plus de sensations et de plaisir. fait en france 100100 excellent uyka naturel certifiée bio huile intime CBD  - Copie

CBD Intimate Oil + Natural Fluid Lubricant

Your two favorite intimate essentials, in the same pack.

49 €
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Dune, the vibrating pebble

The essential pleasure accessory. Discover Dune and its powerful yet silent vibrations. Available in two colors.

85 €
  • best-seller
My Lubie Lubrifiant naturel vegan made in France à base d'eau gel intime personal lubricant waterbased natural My Lubie Lubrifiant naturel vegan made in France à base d'eau gel intime personal lubricant waterbased natural

Natural fluid lubricant

À base d’eau, vegan et hautement hydratant. Pour toutes les pratiques, il glisse longtemps, très longtemps.

15 €
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Aura, clitoral stimulator

The My Lubie version of the clitoral stimulator. Discover Aura, better than an orgasm: the aurasm.

90 €
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The My Lubie game

120 cartes illustrées et détaillées pour s'explorer de façon curieuse, créative et inclusive.

25 €
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Aura, clitoral stimulator

The My Lubie version of the clitoral stimulator. Discover Aura, better than an orgasm: the aurasm.

90 €
  • -4.00€
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Duo of Ultra Thin Condoms + Natural Lubricant

These two go so well together that we decided to make a pack...

35 €
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Silk handcuffs

Strap yourself in... Open new horizons with infinite possibilities.

40 €
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Aube, the French plug

The My Lubie version of the plug: round shapes and a soft material, to become the ally of your explorations.

28 €
  • -5.00€
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Dune + Natural Lubricant

Designed for those who like to give or take pleasure with natural lubricant and Dune, a soft silicone vibrator.

95 €
  • -5.00€
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Trio Lubricants range

The 3 lubricants from My Lubie, together at last. Less discomfort, more sensations.

63 €
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Rich natural lubricant

Un lubrifiant de 75ml au toucher velours ultra-confortable. Apaisant et hydratant.

15 €
  • -2.00€
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Duo of natural lubricants

Fluid texture and rich texture. Two lubricants to suit all uses and desires.

28 €
  • best-seller
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CBD intimate oil

100% d'origine naturelle et vegan. Stimule, nourrit et apaise pour toujours plus de sensations et de plaisir.

38 €
  • -3.00€
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Blade + Rich lubricant

The sensational duo: My Lubie plug and rich-textured natural lubricant.

40 €
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Ultra thin condoms

Ultra fins, vegan et clean pour une sensation peau contre peau

12 €

We made a book

32 pages of pleasure...

... But that's not all. Our Guide to Sexual Exploration is here to help you connect with your sexuality. Articles, games, tips and testimonials and a conscious, positive approach to what goes on in our beds (or elsewhere).

Receive My Lubie's guide to sexual exploration by email right here :

32 pages of pleasure...

They tested My Lubie and they’re glad they came. 

We’ve got one thing in our mind.

Because there's no age limit for (re)learning about sex, our blog explores all the topics that come close. With advice, expert opinions and personal accounts, let's talk about sex.

@my.lubie on Instagram

my.lubie  🤔 They're often talked about, but do we really know when to have one and where to go?
my.lubie  We asked you for your date anecdotes in story! Obviously, the preparation ...
my.lubie  💬🔥 The Dirty Talk and your advice! We talked about it yesterday in our story, it's all about saying words ...
my.lubie  👀 Social experiment with Parisians, what do you think the reactions were?
my.lubie  🥵 ZOOM ON TEXTURE 🥵
"So lubricating, a real pleasure"
"Feeling of cool water on my private parts"...
my.lubie  What is CBD? 🌿
my.lubie  😏 A bit of reading for this Sunday afternoon!"Thank you for your mp testimonials which are always crazy 🥵!
my.lubie  ➡️ Repiration➡️ Peaking➡️ Pubococcygeal muscles
my.lubie  At My Lubie, we like to have fun. So today, we've got a little game for you...
➡️ Tell us in the comments which lover you are?
my.lubie  👀 To make the conversation easier, we've spared you the work. All you have to do is send this post to your partner or text one of the phrases above ...

The PR corner 

Or when intimate wellbeing is invited on the radio,
on television or in the press.

We talk about our new products, behind-the-scenes brand news and the art of doing something good for yourself.
Finally, some exciting e-mails!