Ultra thin condoms

Indispensable protection against STDs, STIs and unwanted pregnancies... But one that knows how to be forgotten. To develop our ultra-fine condoms, we needed reliability, zero controversial ingredients, sustainable latex and no unpleasant odors. Here it is: a box of 12 condoms, made by a specialized factory from fair-trade natural latex with the RRI (Regenerative Rubber Initiative) label.

Each condom is electronically tested for optimum protection* and meets the strictest European standards. We've thought of everything, so all you have to do is enjoy.

*In fact, the 1st cause of condom breakage is a lack of lubrication: use them with our natural water-based lubricant for greater comfort and pleasure.  

  • Absolute finesse
  • Fair trade latex RRI
  • No artificial odors

Nous avons fait le choix d’un latex naturel équitable labellisé RRI (Regenerative Rubber Initiative). Surtout, aucun ingrédient controversé* n’a sa place dans nos préservatifs : lisez notre article sur le sujet ici. Leur composition est donc 100% clean et vegan. *Comme les perturbateurs endocriniens, BHT, caséine de lait ou les spermicides.

À chaque rapport, pour éviter tout risque d’IST ou de grossesse non désirée.
Voici quelques étapes simples afin d'utiliser notre préservatif :

1. Tear open the packaging - carefully - and take out the condom

2. Place the condom on the erect penis and/or pleasure accessory with the rolled-up edge facing outwards.

3. Pincer le réservoir avec deux doigts et dérouler le préservatif avec l'autre main. S'assurer qu'il se déroule correctement. S'il est rugueux, changer de préservatifs

4. Après l’éjaculation, maintenir le préservatif à la base du sexe lors du retrait pour éviter de le perdre.

If you or your partner experience discomfort while using a condom, stop using it. If the symptoms persist, contact your doctor.

Nous vous recommandons d'ajouter du lubrifiant à base d'eau My Lubie sur le préservatif. En effet, la première raison de rupture de préservatif est la non-utilisation de lubrifiant.

Dispositifs médicaux, CE. Il est rappelé l’intérêt des préservatifs dans la prévention contre le VIH / Sida et autres IST. Demandez conseil à votre pharmacien ou à votre médecin. 2024 My Lubie - Préservatifs en latex naturel.

Leur finesse absolue : le préservatif My Lubie sait se faire discret. Leur épaisseur de 0,050mm (t.standard) et 0,065mm (t.large) sait se faire oublier et laisse la place à toutes les sensations… Pour le pénis qui le porte comme pour la personne pénétrée. Confort, plaisir, sécurité, de façon parfaitement imperceptible. Utilisez-les avec le lubrifiant naturel My Lubie, pour une fluidité et une sécurité totale.

RRI (Regenerative Rubber Initiative) is an initiative in Malaysia that promotes responsible agroforestry and works directly with producers in Thailand, where rubber is responsibly extracted from trees to create latex. 

RRI works directly with 35 local producers who are committed to sustainable production (with very little fertilizer and no pesticides) and a fair supply chain. 

If you would like to know more about the composition of our condoms, here is an article article available here that should please you.

More questions? See our FAQ
Ultra thin condoms

They came. And then came back.
Trusted testimonies from happy customers :) 

Gabriel H.

verified opinion

My boyfriend and I were looking for clean condoms but couldn't find any. But now we have, and they're really fabulous!

Margaux K.

verified opinion

Ever since I discovered these condoms, I can't do without them. I feel every sensation, as if my partner hadn't put anything on!

Estelle M.

verified opinion

This is the first time I've seen condom boxes with such beautiful packaging. What a change, thank you very much!

Voir les 259 avis
Ultra thin Vegan Fair trade latex Neutral odor Controversial ingredient-free Fast, discreet delivery Ultra thin Vegan Fair trade latex Neutral odor Controversial ingredient-free Fast, discreet delivery Ultra thin Vegan Fair trade latex Neutral odor Controversial ingredient-free Fast, discreet delivery

Le meilleur sinon rien

Non-negotiable reliability 

Whether used as a contraceptive or to prevent STDs or STIs, one obviously expects flawless protection from a condom. Those are manufactured in a specialized factory. In terms of standards, they tick the boxes CE, ISO 13485, ISO 4074, ISO 10993-1, ISO 10993-5, ISO 10993-10 and EN ISO 14971... This means that they are tested electronically one by one and that they meet the strictest requirements as a medical device in order to be put on the market and be effective.

So many feels 

Miracle of smoothness and lightness, the condom My Lubie knows how to make itself discrete. Its thickness of 0,050mm (standard size) and 0,065mm (large size) allows you to feel everything, and even to forget that it is there. For the penis that wears it as for the body that cuddles it, the sensations are there. Comfort, pleasure, safety, in a perfectly imperceptible way. Use them with the natural lubricant My Lubie, for a fluidity and a total safety.

Radical transparency 

Because they will end up as close to your intimacy as possible, My Lubie condoms banish all controversial ingredients. No parabens, spermicides, benzocaine, casein, nitrosamine or glycerin, or any other weird stuff. They are vegan and RRI (Regenerative Rubber Initiative) labeled, in support of improving the living and working conditions of local producers.


Don’t be shy - we’re here to answer your lube-related questions. 

You'll find 12 condoms in the box.

Made from natural latex, our ultra-thin condoms are responsible, fair-trade and, above all, ultra-resistant. RRI-labeled, they are respectful of bodies and the environment. My Lubie condoms are free of dangerous or controversial ingredients (no endocrine disruptors), vegan and odorless. Very comfortable to wear, they retain all natural sensations during intercourse and offer the discretion of an odorless product.

They're ultra-thin for a skin-on-skin feel, and safe because they're electronically tested by a world-renowned condom manufacturer.

Standard size: 0.050mm thick, 53mm in diameter and 190mm long

Large size: 0.065mm thick, 57mm diameter, 190mm long

The condom is the only contraceptive that prevents pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) such as syphilis, genital herpes and AIDS.

Here are some simple steps to use our condom:

1. Tear open the packaging - carefully - and take out the condom

2. Place the condom on the erect penis and/or pleasure device with the rolled up edge facing outwards

3. Pincer le réservoir avec deux doigts et dérouler le préservatif avec l'autre main. S'assurer qu'il se déroule correctement. S'il est rugueux, changer de préservatifs
4. Après l’éjaculation, maintenir le préservatif à la base du sexe lors du retrait pour éviter de le perdre.

If you or your partner experience discomfort while using a condom, stop using it. If the symptoms persist, contact your doctor.

We recommend that you add My Lubie water-based lubricant to the condom. The number one reason for condom breakage is not using lubricant. The lubricant makes the condom more resistant :)

The latex is extracted from the trees without any additional substances. The formula is water-based and alcohol-free.

NO! Each condom has a single use and cannot be reused.

You can use My Lubie water-based lubricant or a silicone-based lubricant. Never use an oil-based lubricant as this can damage the latex of the condom and cause it to crack.

Our condoms are vegan and guaranteed without perfume, paraben, nitrosamine, benzocaine, spermicide, gluten and glycerin.

Le latex vient du caoutchouc, qui est directement extrait des arbres. Les plus grands producteurs de latex viennent d’Asie, et plus précisément d’Asie du Sud-Est. La Thaïlande est le premier pays producteur de latex, suivi de la Malaisie et de l’Indonésie.
Pourquoi ? Le climat y est idéal. Chaud et humide, il est favorable au développement de la faune et flore, et par conséquent au arbre à caoutchouc.

Unlike some commercially available condoms, My Lubie condoms are non-spermicidal and contain no parabens, benzocaine, casein, hydrocarbons or BHT.

Want to know more about the composition of My Lubie condoms, we have written a blog post that explains it right here:)

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